Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Worried Mommy

I think for the most part I am a normal parent. I'm not over-protective, but I don't lack common-sense either.

I am worried beyond belief about punks' surgery tomorrow. I know a tonsillectomy is minor in the grand scheme of things. But there are still risks involved, and I can't stop stressing! I don't handle anesthesia well, and what-if she doesn't either? What if something goes wrong? What if she has the same blood disorder her cousin has and it causes complications?

I could what-if you all night.

I wish I didn't have to be at work tonight. I wish I could be home snuggling her instead.

Please say a prayer for us that tomorrow goes off completely routine and uneventful.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Money can't buy happiness...

But if you're already happy, it could sure fix a lot of things.

Our little family does all right. We make enough money to have everything we want and a little in savings. We have a lovely house, 2 pretty nice cars, are well dressed, and eat out several times a week. We don't need money.

That being said, several times a day I find myself thinking "if I had the money I'd..."

First...I would find my mom the best treatment, and best doctors to treat her. For the last 11 months, my mom has been fighting cancer. She is now cancer free, but has a lot of trouble getting around due to the side-effects of surgery, chemo and radiation. Her hospital bills are astronomical, and she is a business owner, so her insurance premiums are only getting higher as well. This could get me started on my rant as to what's wrong with health-care in America, but I won't go there. And No, I don't think universal health care is the solution. I have a whole separate rant on that.

Then...I would pay off all our debt, quit my job, and enjoy my very quickly aging babies. Aaron's salary is more than enough for us to live on, but thanks to student loans and some credit cards abused by college students, my working is a necessary evil right now.

That's all I want. A healthy, happy mommy and to be the best mommy I can to my kids.

What would you do given a large sum of money?

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Purple Popsicles

I'm ba-aack! After a brief hiatus thanks to my monitor biting the big one, I am back online. I swear if it wasn't for my blackberry to stay connected to all my emails and such, I would have serious withdrawal issues!

it was a busy week anyway, and we had a fantastic Independence Day! I wanted to drop in and share a cute story about Punks.

She is scheduled to get her tonsils out next week, *knocks on wood!* and we have been trying to prep her for what's going to happen, without freaking her out. This is the conversation we had today on the way to daycare.

Punks: Mommy, I'm gonna go to the doctor and he's gonna make me all better
Me: Yup, you're gonna get your tonsils out.
Punks: Dr. White's gonna take out my pencils?
Me: Yes, Dr. White's going to take out you tonsils
Punks: I like white. Sheeps are white.
Me: Yeah...
Punks: And when I wake up my froat is gonna be really scratchy?
Me: Yeah, but Mommy and Daddy will be there.
Punks: And you'll sit in bed with me and eat purple popsicles?
Me: You bet your cute little butt I will.

I don't know where she comes up with this stuff. I don't think she has ever had a purple popsicle, nor have we talked about her eating popsicles after her surgery...

Ah, well... She'll probably fair better with this whole thing than I will...

Monday, June 29, 2009

Tales of Toilet Training

Leave it to my 2 year old to turn something like toilet training to display all of his (less than desirable) personality traits.

So Bugs wakes up from his nap with a dry diaper (yay!) so we go downstairs and he is more than excited to sit on the potty. He wants to sit on the big potty, like ya-ya. All this leads me to believe we will have success...i couldn't be more wrong.

After 40 minutes of sitting on the potty, he finally says "I done". He hasn't gone, but whatever. my butt is numb from sitting on the floor in the bathroom for 40 minutes. So I get him down and we proceed to have the most ridiculous standoff. "sticku" he tells me. (we reward him with a sticker on a chart when he successfully uses the potty.) This is how it goes:

Me: No. you didn't go potty.
Bugs: I done. sticku.
Me: No. You only get a sticker if you go potty.

now he gets mad.

Me: (still calm) No. Let's go to the living room and get a pullup.
Bugs: Sticku, please? (with the cutest pouty face and lip you have ever seen)
Me: No. Let's go get a pullup.

Now he tries to employ all his charm. He scrunches up his face and says in his "monster voice" "STICKUUUU!" I can't even describe to you how cute this is, I almost crack a smile before I tell him "No" again.

Then he pulls out all the stops. The Pièce de résistance. The silent-fake laugh. He closes his eyes, tilts his head back and bounces his shoulders like he's just seen the funniest thing ever, all without making a sound. Then he stops, looks at me and says "Is funny." I can't help it, I crack up. He patiently waits for me to stop laughing, I bend over and pick him up to take him to the living room. He grabs my face with both hands and looks me dead in the eye and says "sticku, now?"

I walk to the living room. Apparently, this 10 sec walk was all he needed to plot his revenge.

I sit cross-legged on the floor with my scheming son in front of me. I hold the pullup so he can step into it, and when it's about at his knees, he takes his revenge. He pees in my lap.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Conversations from the backseat

Moments that make you go "Awwww...."

(Punks sneezes)
Bugs: Bless you ya-ya
Punks: Thanks Bugs

Moments that make you go "Huh?"

Bugs: Hey Mommy?
Me: What Buddy?
Bugs: Let me tell you something.
Me: What's that?
Bugs: Tacos.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Intro to my crazy world

I'm a mom. A working mom, which if you ask some people in my 'family' makes me sub-par. If you're one of those people, good for you. It makes me a better mom. I'm not exactly what you call patient (a virtue I'm learning as I try to teach my kids), and going to work fills up my patience meter so that I can appreciate my kids when I get home.

I don't care what you do with your kids (as long as you're doing the best you can) and nothing you say will change how I raise mine.

I have 3 basic people I go to for 'mom' advice, I know who to go to depending on the response I want.

My Mom-She raised 4 kids, by herself for the most part. She is overprotective enough to not tell me to keep my kid who obviously needs stitches home till morning, but rational enough to tell me when I'm being overprotective-paranoid. She's who I go to when I want sane, rational advice.

My sister-She has 4* kids. (1 step, 2 f her own and 1 on the way) She is the crazy-over-protective-i read too much on the Internet and believe all of it-who i call when i want someone to justify my craziness mom. There is always something wrong with her kids. ALWAYS.

My best friend-She has 2 kids of her own. She is a hardworking, stay at home mom, with a very uninvolved husband. I love her. She lets me cry, yell, vent, whatever before I even ask her how she is, and knows I'll do the same for her. I love her husband too, but I SO lucked out in the husband/daddy department, and NO ONE is as involved as he is.

My kids are hilarious. I don't know where they got their personalities from. Most days I'm laughing too hard at them to discipline them. At least they got their looks from me. I ain't gonna lie...I make friggin cute babies.

My daughter, my "punks", is 3 going on 16. She has inherited my temper and shoe addiction. Just yesterday we went to Old Navy and she told me she needed purple flip flops. when asked why, she simply responded "I don't have that color." Crap. Not bad when we're talking about $3 flip flops in toddler sizes. I'm screwed when she inevitably gets my huge feet, and wants to go to DSW or Famous every day. (We live in hickville, it's as good as it gets)

My son, bugs, is 2 and thinks he can do everything the bigger kids do. Don't most 2 year olds? Problem is he usually does them, has no fear and usually gets hurt. Good thing is he's only 2 and "kids bounce." So told to me by the paramedic that recently responded to my 911 call. Apparently they do...If I'd have fallen the way he did, I'd still be in the hospital in traction.

All-in-all we're a pretty normal family. I must clarify that by saying we're normal. Our extended family is, for the most part, NOT.